Meet The Queens

A Global Platform For All Queens



MEET THE QUEEN is a subsidiary of CHANNEL A TV a Community Based Television Broadcasting Company of excellence, dedicated to giving people their voice through Media Technology serving not only The United States local Communities but also international Communities as well.

Meet The Queens

CHANNEL A TV is  a broad-based collaborative community initiative, founded to bring awareness to various world’s challenges by providing media access empowerment to the less privileged individuals or groups.

CHANNEL A TV presents proven management techniques to achieving the highest enterprise value by bringing untold stories from the Communities through exclusive interviews from Politicians, Doctors, Musicians, Artists, Children, Community Leaders to mention but a few. With Community Development as our primary vision, our Staff and volunteers are committed to Community Service as we focus on world’s challenging issues such as Homelessness, Breast Cancer, Malaria and HIV Aids Awareness.

Therefore, MEET THE QUEEN featured Queens have the opportunity to share their Pageant Platforms and experiences with the rest of the world through digital media.